Autism Services
Familylinks offers Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for individuals ages 18 months to 21 years and their families. ABA promotes skill building alongside peers in a small group setting and uses a clinic-focused group approach, with transitional supports in the home and the community. ABA uses progressive, evidence-based programming to promote the development of lifelong learners.
Familylinks ABA Clinic is located at 2644 Banksville Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15216, and we currently have space available for your child.
We currently accept UPMC and CCBHO insurance.
If you or someone you know, may benefit from these services, please call 412-924-0246 or email [email protected].
To send an inquiry, click here and in the comments section, please tell us if your child has a current written order for IBHS ABA services.
To access the intake packet, click here.
We are here to help.

“I successfully took Mina to the drive-in, where she sat for the entire movie. The following day, I took her to Kennywood, where she successfully waited in lines for the rollercoasters and didn't run away from me. The changes are already showing! Six months ago, I couldn't even imagine doing things like this with her!
This is amazing!”
– Kathy, Mina’s Mother